Thursday, October 30, 2008

Took over a year...

...but I finally decorated my living room. I guess I haven't had the motivation to do so because I didn't think we would be staying for long and just didn't know what to do with the small living room we have. Well....I finally went and got some pieces and yesterday I found a shadowbox shelf while Hubby and I were walking around at the furniture store while the clinics had their bomb threat that is just what I was looking for. Here is the before... Oh so bland

and here are a couple after. I still hate our tiny apt, but we have another yr here, so....I actually feel better in my living room. How weird something so small can chance how you feel in an area. I actually dont feel so..BLAH in my living room now. Anyway, here it is...


Todd and Amy Curtis said...

Oh my gosh, that looks so good! So homey!!! I love it!

Christy said...

Very nice! The thing that really made our house feel like home was painting all the stark white walls.