Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 23, 30DS, Day 2 CP

Wooo! I woke up pretty sore today. My obliques are sore to the touch, in fact, pretty much everything is. I can feel my butt all sore and thighs...yah, I worked the muscles good.

Which is funny, Level 3 just seems to fly by for me, yet, I feel this one the most. It also seems pretty easy too...but muscles must not think so. But that doesn't mean I took it easy today! I only have a few more days before hubby gets home, now is not the time to be slacking!

Since today is really Day 2 of the new Jillian Michaels challenge I am doing, remember I am subbing the first two days with Level 3 instead of doing 1 alone (like the program calls). So that makes me Day 23 of the 30 DS and Day 2 of the new program. However, tomorrow will be my last day counting "shred" days since I will be moving on to other programs. Confused yet? :)

So Today I did Level 3 of the 30 Day Shred, followed by Level 1 of the 30 DS and did the Leslie Sansone Cardio Slimdown.

Not only did I get another awesome workout in, but I went shopping to two stores with the little ones and that was a workout all in itself. So needless to say, I am pretty sore today.

I also made some YUMMY very low fat guilt free cookies that I will be sharing the recipe to on Tasty Tuesdays this week, so look out for it!

11-12 more days till my hubby gets home!

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